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Dates and times
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Runs from 5.00pm on Saturday 24th August to 5.00pm on Monday 2nd September 2024. 9 full days. CANCELLED
£695 Concessions / £795 Low waged (< £15k/yr) / £895 Waged
Course summary

We know permaculture has answers, so if you've ever wanted to inspire others but haven't had the confidence this course is for you. This course is suitable for all abilities: both apprentice & experienced teachers & also for those who have just completed their Permaculture Design course (PDC). During the course we will be focusing on the tools & techniques for teaching & facilitating permaculture learning & the practicalities of convening & running courses. We won't be revisiting the topics on a PDC in any depth and so it is recommended that if your permaculture knowledge is a bit rusty that you do some preparatory background reading before the course. The ToT will concentrate on permaculture training but the techniques covered can be applied to any other subject and hence the course would be valuable for any teacher wanting to expand their creative teaching techniques. The course will be lively and interactive on all levels using plenty of diversity in teaching styles. We intend to use the course as a working example of how much can be achieved in a short course using accelerated learning techniques. We will be looking at the whole process of running a course – from finding a venue and course publicity to evaluation and follow up. Sessions covered: Setting training objectives ~ Training design ~ Teaching methods ~ Preparing training sessions ~ Training tools ~ Training needs assessment ~ Games and energisers ~ Facilitation skills ~ Micro-session preparation ~ Presentation skills ~ Rapport building ~ Convening courses ~ Course design ~ Learning methods ~ Assessment and evaluation ~ Follow up We aim to empower people to realise their own skills as facilitators and will be using methods for building confidence of the participants throughout. This will culminate in each participant giving a micro-teach to put into practice what they have learned.

Certified teachers
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
Courses default image
Course type
Teacher Training
Engagement style
Face to face

Postal address of venue

The Inkpot
Gorse Drove, Scredington
NG34 0AH
United Kingdom

Course contact email
Contact name
Contact telephone number
01503 240946

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