This course has already started. Please click here to see more upcoming courses or browse online courses you can start at any time. Course website http://www.learnpermaculture… Dates and times 4 May 17 More info Sessions start Thursday evening 7.30pm (dinner provided at 6.00pm). Course finishes Sunday afternoon around 4.30pm. Cost £295 (four concessions available at £225) Course summary Join us for an exploration of the body's remarkable adaptability, rebuilding your natural resilience and reconnecting you with it. We will provide you with a better understanding of your body as a whole system, give you expert individual feedback on your own movement patterns, and show you how to fix the issues that lead to those all-too-common aches and pains. Begin a journey of holistic body health and well-being and come away with your own customised permaculture body design. Aranya Lizzie Franklin, Dick Thompson Course type Specialist Engagement style Face to face Share this course Copied to clipboard