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Dates and times
Sliding scale from £135
Course summary

This course is a wonderful opportunity to explore your own personal culture while being immersed in a field of encouragement.

Join Looby Macnamara, one of the co-founders and developers of the Cultural Emergence toolkit, for this pioneering experience to discover tools for positive cultural evolution. 

Looby invites you to follow the natural rhythm of abundance and fertility, to focus on our gifts and contributions into the world. During this course people will come together to ask the following questions:

  • How can we facilitate cultural change
  • What do we want the new culture and new story to look like?
  • What part can we play in helping it to emerge?
Certified teachers
Apprentice teachers
No apprentice teacher places available on this course
Course can be started at any time (online)
Courses default image
Course type
People / Social Permaculture
Engagement style
Face to face

Course contact email
Contact name
Emma Gorbutt
Contact telephone number
07786 262 864

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