LILAC Landscape team design: area coordinator roles description

This design took place within the context of the LILAC Landscaping design. For a fuller understanding of this design, read that one first.

This design's aims were to establish a new landscaping team at LILAC Cohousing, make them aware of the project's obligations (planning conditions, tree constraints etc) and get them started with some design tasks.

The design brief explains what this design covers:

  • Establish a new Landscape Team drawn from LILAC's members. Transfer some information, decision-making & budget allocation power to them from the Development Group.
  • Appoint members to area coordination roles to delegate design authority, promote individual accountability, and ensure that all areas of the site are covered.
  • Support area coordinators to develop their design skills
  • Ensure that area coordinators consult with the entire membership on their designs.
  • Ensure the team complies with planning conditions & associated recommendations.
  • Make the process inclusive for people with a range of skill levels/working styles.

See the attached PDF design report for more details. For best results, download it and view it in full screen like a powerpoint slide deck.



Practical Solutions Categories
Stage of design
Other designers (members of PA)
Date of design