Lilac all-member landscape design workshop

This design took place within the context of the LILAC Landscaping design. For a fuller understanding of this design, read that one first.

This design's aims were to design & deliver a workshop for all members to contribute to the design of the shared landscaping at LILAC.

This design also relates to the LILAC Landscape Team design: preparation for, and attendance at this workshop were some of the next steps for the team that was formed as an outcome of that design.

This project sought to design and deliver a workshop to consult LILAC members on our shared landscape assets and involve them in the design process in a meaningful way.

The workshop employed several activities and meeting/facilitation methods:

See the attached PDF design report for more details. For best results, download it and view it in full screen like a powerpoint slide deck.



Practical Solutions Categories
Stage of design
Other designers (members of PA)
Date of design