The Permaculture Association's first South West Regional Permaculture Convergence will take place over the weekend of 9-11 June 2017 at Goffin Land on the edge of Exeter.
The Permaculture Association's first South West Regional Permaculture Convergence will take place over the weekend of 9-11 June 2017 at Goffin Land on the edge of Exeter.
The event is being organised by the Association in partnership with it's members and other local activists. Our intention is to bring new opportunities and benefits by connecting up the multitude of projects, local groups and individuals working in linked areas across the area.
We also aim to help build a self-sustaining, resilient regional permaculture network for the South West. The event will run over 48 hours with a fun festival atmosphere.
There will be a range of workshops, skillshares, strategy sessions, practical demonstrations and case studies to enjoy through each day, covering everything from permaculture for beginnners through to indepth and advanced sessions for those with more experience.
There will be a bar, cafe and evening entertainment in the big barn onsite.
- Ticket price includes camping and 6 meals.
- Day Tickets are available.