What is the Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design?

The Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design is internationally recognised as the next step for people who have done a Permaculture Design Course. The Diploma formally recognises and accredits a persons permaculture practice. The Diploma is not a taught course like the Permaculture Design Course, it is a scheme for supporting an extended period of self-directed learning. It is based around the projects and activities that you are involved in and that you set yourself. You plan and carry out your own course of self-managed study, taking on projects of your own choosing and carrying out the permaculture design process with these projects. You document your work and put it together in a portfolio. This work is assessed by diploma holders and accredited by the Permaculture Association.

There are 2 routes to achieving the Diploma:

The Supported Route
The Indepenent Route

If you know which route you want to take, register for the Diploma here. Otherwise, read on...


Route 1: The Supported Route
This includes tutor support and guidance.

The Diploma Guidebook

This is a complete guide to the diploma and will explain the scheme in full. It also includes the forms you need to complete to register on the Diploma. You can download it from the Diploma document downloads page - please note that we have not yet completed the graphics side, nice pictures and graphics to follow shortly!

Diploma Tutor Register

To choose a tutor,  please see the Diploma Tutor register, detailing information about all Diploma tutors in the UK. You can download it from the Diploma document downloads page.

Also below; see the diploma tutors plotted on a Google map according to their location. Please note some tutors regularly travel to other areas, please see the Tutor register for full details.

View Permaculture Diploma Tutors in a google map

Route 2: The Independent Route

For people who wish to accredit an existing body of work with no tutor support prior to accreditation.